Frequently asked questions.

  • You may have landed on a group travel website for a whole range of reasons; you want to travel but you’re friends are too busy to join, you’re looking for an interesting new place to visit, you like the safety of traveling in a group or maybe you just cant be assed to deal with the hassle or organising your holiday yourself. Whatever the reason Poshpacker takes the time to find out about you, why you’ve booked, what you want to get out of your trip and how we can help to make sure you have the time of your life! From the very start you’re assigned a travel host who will be your point of contact for any questions you have, we’ll do our best to advise you and make sure you’re care free for the duration of your trip, before, during and after.

  • Every trip includes all accommodation, transport, activities outlined in your itinerary, a large number of meals and your experienced Poshpacker travel leader. In addition, you’ll have your assigned travel host predeparture to help answer any of your burning questions, like what should I pack? I’m arriving a day early can you suggest a hotel? What currency will I need in my destination? Whatever your questions, we will do our best to help guide you and ease your experience.

  • Flights to and from your travel destination are not included. There may be a flight included during your trip to get you from one location to the next, this would be outlined in your itinerary.

  • Travel insurance is not included in your trip, it is important to note however, that it is compulsory to take out travel insurance if you want to be a part of a Poshpacker trip. We do not sell travel insurance, we leave it you to find the most appropriate cover for you.

  • We’re not doctors, lets be clear on that first and foremost! But we want you to have the best time so what we can do is provide some recommendations:

    1. Consult your healthcare provider - we recommend you do this with plenty time in advance of your travels, some vaccinations require multiple doses over a period of time so its best to get ahead of it.

    2. Check out your local government travel advice about where you’re headed.

    3. If you take any regular medications, make sure you a little extra to hand just in case you encounter any travel delays. We’d also advise you bring a copy of your usual script so that if needed you can show a healthcare professional in your travel destination.